Terms and Conditions

Your booking and carriage are subject to terms, conditions, and provisions of the governing Sea Cargo Consignment Bill of Lading. Cutoff and sailing dates and transit times are estimated and given without guarantee and subject to change without prior notice. Please have your trucker confirm earliest pickup and return dates with the port/rail.

You will be responsible for any per diem that accrues. If proper documentation is not submitted in time, you will be responsible for rollover and port storage fees. All containers being exported from the USA are subject to random exams by US Customs and you will be responsible for any and all exam costs.

There is a NO DOCS/NO LOAD policy. There is NO insurance of any kind included. Please secure yourself and take adequate insurance. Rates given are preliminary quotes and are based on the container gate in date. Please note that rates fluctuate monthly. Shippers owned containers are subject to an additional fee.